ACNH Custom Stairs & Incline Design Ideas To Try

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So many stairs!

Once you unlock the ability to build inclines on your island, you might be wondering what in the name of Tom Nook you should do with them.

Surprisingly, there are many creative uses for them beyond simply going up to the next level of elevation.

And if you need some inspiration, here are some of the coolest uses for inclines in New Horizons, as well as some ideas for making custom staircases for your island.


10. Abandoned Forest Staircase

Abandoned forest incline in ACNH
Image Source by @reshww

I said there were many uses for staircases and inclines, but I didn’t say they needed to lead anywhere.

This is a cool idea if you want a high spot for stargazing, or simply need to use up that 8th incline spot.

Select a secluded wooded area and add a small cliff, just tall enough to build a staircase leading up to it.

You may ask, why is there an unfinished staircase in the forest?

Well, maybe someone got hungry and forgot to finish the project after their lunch break. Who knows, right?


9. Dinner Above the Falls

Eating area above waterfalls with inclines - ACNH Idea
Image Source by @acnhluxx

Who doesn’t love some wonderful scenery while they eat?

And what could be more marvelous than eating atop a grand waterfall?

All you really need to make this yourself is to setup a small dining room on the upper level of some gorgeous falls. And you’ll obviously need an incline leading up to it.

As for the actual dining area, you’ll need to purchase some typical items like wooden tables, natural garden chairs, a clay furnace, and some candle sets.

I like how this person put two smaller falls on either side of the staircase to immerse deeper into the scene.


8. Towering Castle Gates

Towering castle gates with inclines in ACNH
Image Source by qr-closet

When your friends step foot onto your island, you want to leave a good first impression.

So why not set up a regal castle gate? This can lead into the wonders that your island has in store.

I love when people use silos for castle towers, and this person went through the effort to customize some simple panels and pathways to match them.

As for the stairs leading to the gate, those are also custom designs that you’ll want to include.

Maybe even craft some prison bars and some armor to enhance the medieval tone of your royal paradise!


7. Secret Beach Stairs

Secret beach with stairs in ACNH
Image Source by chromicat

You know that sketchy fox Redd who sells you fake art while docked at the back of your island?

Normally it can be difficult to get to his secluded shore, since you might have to navigate the many levels of elevation on your island.

One way to lessen the strain of reaching this secret spot is to create a series of staircases leading down to the sandy shore.

With whatever incline you decide to build, make sure to lay down some custom paths to match it – like this person’s wooden walk.

Then once you have your path set up, simply decorate the area with some gorgeous falls and flowers. Nice stuff!


6. Grand Museum Waterfall Entrance

Pokemon-inspired Museum Entrance Stairs in ACNH
Image Source by geonosiis

You can even use many inclines in the same place to maximize the impact they have on a scene.

I think your museum needs a grand entrance.

And some grand staircases leading to the door could fit nicely.

For this design, all you need to do is set up four inclines (the stone staircases work very nicely) and set them up on two levels.

Then do some landscaping to create a waterfall rushing between the inclines.

This is a simple idea, but it does require a lot of precise landscaping work. So be diligent with those cliffs!


5. Ancient Greek Temple

Ancient greek temple staircase design - ACNH Idea
Image Source by thirtytwoounces

Speaking of grand staircases, check out this Greek temple in all its marble glory!

To make this yourself, you’ll want to start out by setting up a stone staircase and laying down some custom marble pathways with a walkway running down the middle.

Then craft two fountains and set each one up on either side of your pathway.

You’ll also want to decorate the area with some of your favorite statues, such as an athletic statue, valiant statue, or even a beautiful statue!

Lastly, set up some simple panels with custom marble patterns to create the walls to your ancient temple.


4. Garden Terrace

Garden terrace with stairs in ACNH
Image Source by @nite0wl.cr0ssing

If you’re working with multiple levels of elevation, you can get creative with the positioning of your inclines.

And this idea makes great use of sideways staircases that lead up a garden path to your front door. Very cool.

Once you set up your inclines, you can sculpt a couple small waterfalls from the cliffs. This sets the scene.

Then, set up a nice garden sitting area by crafting and customizing some iron garden chairs and a table.

All that’s left is adding plenty of flowers.

Be sure that whatever flowers you use, they complement your house nicely. Like how this player uses pink blossoms to balance out the white.


3. Mini Diving Spot

Mini ocean diving incline area in ACNH
Image Source by @potatotoffee

You know that awkward peninsula on your island that sticks into the water that you have no clue what to do with?

Maybe it’s the perfect spot to place an incline – specifically for a diving spot!

Now you can jump into the water for some fun sea swimming.

To design this yourself, be sure to set up a small cliff so you can set up your incline. The white wood works nicely for the beach area.

Then decorate your scene with some custom white wood paths and surfboards.

And be sure to purchase a lighthouse on Nook Miles so you can find your way back to shore at night!


2. Custom Spiral Staircase

Pattern for custom spiral stairs in ACNH
Image Source by @jin_men56

Howdy, partner! If you’re looking for a place to stay in the old west, then try out this cowboy saloon with some custom staircases.

Outside your house, set up some silos that you’ve crafted, as well as simple panels customized to have some awesome spiral staircases.

Then you’ll also want to craft some barrels, hay beds, and a brick oven for some outdoor western fun.

Once you surround the area with some corral fencing, you’ve got the rootinest tootinest saloon in the whole western frontier!


1. Outdoor Reading Deck

Outdoor library area with wooden stairs
Image Source by Luvaris

Outdoor libraries are a common idea I’ve seen countless times in ACNH.

I’ve even recently just made one for my island in Fang’s yard.

But how about this design? And that staircase fits perfectly into a library setting.

You can build this yourself by setting up a normal library with some wooden bookshelves, antique furniture, and your favorite house plants.

Then, build an incline leading up a level to a cozy reading area.

Setup this spot by purchasing some rattan chairs and tables for a small sitting area.

Make sure to include one cedar tree with some mum cushions around it for a more outdoorsy place to sit.

I just love the log natural benches around the edge of this spot. They can even double as a fence too!

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