How To Get Hidden Body in Dark Souls 3

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You can buy Hidden Body from Orbeck of Vinheim, but you’ll first have to complete a few steps to unlock it in his store. Here’s how to unlock and buy it:

  • Find Orbeck in the Road of Sacrifices and send him to Firelink Shrine
  • Find the Golden Scroll in Farron Keep
  • Give the Golden Scroll to Orbeck and buy Hidden Body

We’ll cover exactly how to complete these steps down below.


Step 1: Finding Orbeck

Orbeck can be found in the ruins that lead to the Crystal Sage fight in the Road of Sacrifices. Warp to the Crucifixion Woods Bonfire for the fastest way to him.

The Crucifixion Woods Bonfire / DS3
The Crucifixion Woods Bonfire

Walk towards the closest building to the Bonfire and look for the large hole in the stone wall.

Head through this hole, then up the stairs and past the enemies.

Run forward across the bridge at the top of the stairs, then turn left as soon as you step back inside.

The bridge at the top of the stairs / DS3
The bridge at the top of the stairs

Follow the left path around, climb the stairs, and turn right through a small archway to step out onto the platform where Orbeck of Vinheim hides.

Orbeck of Vinheim in the Road of Sacrifices / DS3
Orbeck of Vinheim in the Road of Sacrifices

Talk to Orbeck until a dialogue prompt appears. Choose to ‘Make a promise’, and he’ll vanish, relocating to Firelink Shrine.


Step 2: Finding The Golden Scroll

Once Orbeck has relocated to Firelink Shrine, he’ll begin selling Sorceries. You can increase his catalogue of spells through handing him Scrolls that you find throughout the game.

Orbeck’s shop inventory before he’s handed any Scrolls / DS3
Orbeck’s shop inventory before he’s handed any Scrolls

You’ll have to give Orbeck the Golden Scroll to add Hidden Body to his shop.

Warp to the Keep Ruins Bonfire to get to finding it.

The Keep Ruins Bonfire / DS3
The Keep Ruins Bonfire

Walk forwards out of the Bonfire room and travel down the ramp that leads into the swamp below.

Turn to your right at the bottom, and quickly cross the swamp to the small island next to the ramp.

The route to the Scroll, viewed from the island / DS3
The route to the Scroll, viewed from the island

Walk around to the left of the island, then line your camera up so that it matches the image above. Walk forwards through the swamp, continuing until you find another island.

The second island / DS3
The second island

Take out the enemies here, then turn to the right to see a small cave in the rocks up ahead.

Now walk into the cave and interact with the corpse next to the chests to receive the Golden Scroll.

The corpse that holds the Golden Scroll / DS3
The corpse that holds the Golden Scroll

Step 3: Giving Orbeck the Scroll & Buying Hidden Body

Note: This step is highly missable. Orbeck will disappear from your game if you beat 4 bosses without giving him a scroll, so be sure to give him the Golden Scroll as soon as you can.

With the Golden Scroll collected, warp back to Firelink Shrine. Then walk down the main tunnel and roll off of the right side of it, and then look to your right to find Orbeck sitting next to an illuminated gravestone.

Orbeck of Vinheim in Firelink Shrine / DS3
Orbeck of Vinheim in Firelink Shrine

Talk to him and give him the Golden Scroll to expand his shop’s inventory, then choose the ‘Learn Sorceries’ option to open up his shop, where Hidden Body is now available for 3,000 Souls.

Hidden Body’s item description in Orbeck’s shop / DS3
Hidden Body’s item description in Orbeck’s shop
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Jack Salter

Jack is a writer from the UK that spends too much time Nuzlocking the Pokémon series. After a crushing defeat, he relaxes by rewatching Attack On Titan in the hope that it'll make the final season come out sooner - It never does.