How Do You Get The Anteater Minion? (FFXIV)

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The Anteater Minion can be obtained by collecting 400 Faux Leaves from the Faux Hollows minigame. You can access this minigame by speaking with the Faux Commander (Idyllshire – Rowena’s Center for Cultural Promotion, X:6 Y:6) after every Unreal Trial clear.

You can get two opportunities per week through the use of a retelling. With that in mind, you can earn a maximum of 200 Faux Leaves in one week.

That takes a bit of luck though, even if you know how the minigame works.

Unreal Trials were synced Level 80 versions of Extreme Trials from A Realm Reborn. Shiva, Titan, Leviathan, and Ultima’s Bane have all been featured as Unreal Trials so far.

Battling Shiva inside her frigid domain, the Akh Afah Amphitheater. / FFXIV
Battling Shiva inside her frigid domain, the Akh Afah Amphitheater.

While none of the Bosses in Unreal Trials contain any new tricks, they do probably have some you haven’t seen before. This is mostly due to them being re-tuned from way back in A Realm Reborn.

Many Players have never had the opportunity to experience those fights in their entirety.

Due to this, it’s a good plan to familiarize yourself with the older Trials before stepping in.

While they’re not quite as punishing as they were back in the day, the puzzles presented can be tricky. Like understanding how Garuda’s Spiny Plume works or which of Shiva’s weapons does what.

The good news is that guides for these fights are readily available.

Taking a peek will make your weekly Unreal farm that much easier. Maybe you’ll even get some Commendations for explaining the fight to others!


Keeping It Unreal

Visiting the Faux Commander in Idyllshire to cash in some Leaves. / FFXIV
Visiting the Faux Commander in Idyllshire to cash in some Leaves.

So every time you’ve conquered an Unreal Trial, you’ll need to pop on over to the Faux Commander.

He hangs out in Idyllshire, next to everyone’s favorite teen Miqo’te Khloe Allapoh.

Here you’ll play Faux Hollows, a sort of tile-matching game. You’ll need to flip tiles over and attempt to uncover images on the right. Each picture offers a different reward.

You’ll first want to aim for a retelling. A retelling allows you to earn a second chance at Faux Hollows, provided you complete the Unreal Trial again.

The Faux Hollows minigame. The blades can only appear in one of these two spots. / FFXIV
The Faux Hollows minigame. The blades can only appear in one of these two spots.

This is important, since it doubles the amount of rewards you can earn.

So on your first play, aim for the areas that have six open tiles.

This’ll guarantee you not only 15 Faux Leaves, but also your retelling.

Faux Leaves can be exchanged for quite a few nice prizes (including your minion). The full list is:

Item Type Cost (Faux Leaves)
Tamamo Headband Glamour 250
Spriggan Earrings Glamour 350
Paissa Ring Glamour 350
Cait Sith Neck Ribbon Glamour 350
Incitatus Whistle Mount 600
Construct VI-S Core Mount 600
Ixion Clarion Mount 400
Anteater Minion 400
Sand Fox Minion 400
Lesser Panda Minion 150
Korpokkur Kid Minion 150
Cashmere Attire Glamour 250
Coeurl Womenswear Glamour 250
Coeurl Menswear Glamour 250
Spotted Attire Glamour 300
Magicked Prism (Various) Other 25
Cracked Anthrocluster (2) Other 10
Cracked Dendrocluster (4) Other 10
Cracked Stellacluster (6) Other 10
Cracked Planicluster (6) Other 10
The Construct VI-S Mount, available for a mere 600 Faux Leaves. / FFXIV
The Construct VI-S Mount, available for a mere 600 Faux Leaves.

With a myriad of great rewards available, it’s certainly worth sinking some time into Faux Hollows. Even well after you’ve acquired the Anteater Minion!

Best of luck in your Unreal adventures.

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Judah Brandt

Judah has been going hard at RPGs for nearing 25 years. From the honest days of the Sega Genesis to the current generation, their lust for experience points is all-consuming. They've been battling the forces of evil in both Vana'diel and Eorzea ceaselessly since those worlds were created, making them an expert on all things Final Fantasy XI & XIV. When not taking long walks on the beaches of Costa del Sol, a real one works just fine. Also loves dogs.