FFXIV Striking Dummies Guide: Locations, Uses & Tips

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Striking Dummies are tools that can be found in multiple places in the game world, at multiple levels and across every expansion (more details further in this guide). These dummies are used to practice rotations & abilities to get comfortable using them.

You see, getting your rotation right in Final Fantasy XIV is really important.

You won’t get the most out of your combat job without a thorough understanding of which skills to use and when. But you can read rotation guides and watch videos until the Moogles come home, and still not quite get it.

In my experience with MMOs, much of your success with performing a rotation comes down to how much of it you can embed in muscle memory.

You want those combinations of keys to be almost instinctive – your hands well practiced on where they need to go at what time.

You need to actually practice these things if you want to pull them off in the heat of battle.

That’s where striking dummies come in.

They give you the freedom to practice your abilities as much as you like, without the pressure of going into an actual dungeon.

You can beat on a striking dummy for hours and they’ll never run out of health!

In this guide we’ll provide a comprehensive list of all the striking dummy locations in-game, along with their levels, plus screenshots of each location for easy reference.


Are There Different Striking Dummy Types?

Yes, but the differences aren’t anything drastic.

Much like you (and every other character in Eorzea), striking dummies have levels that roughly correspond to the challenge of fighting an enemy of that level.

As a result, you’ll want to use dummies at your level or below to accurately practice your rotation.

Training Dummies on the Market Board / FFXIV


Housing Estate Striking Dummies



Striking dummies can be purchased from a number of vendors for use in your player housing estate.

There’s just a few things to be aware of should you want to do this.

Training Dummy outside a player house / FFXIV
  1. Striking dummies come under the “Outdoor Furnishings” category, so if you want to look them up on the Marketboard that’s where they’ll be.
  2. This means you can only place them outside – which is something to keep in mind if you’ve got an apartment or a private FC room with no external permissions.
  3. And regardless of the size of your estate, you can only place a total of three striking dummies in the yard.

This should be more than enough for your needs.

But should you find there’s always a queue for the dummies, fear not – there’s plenty more out in the game world to make use of.

With that said, here’s a list of all the striking dummies you can place at home:

  • Oriental Striking Dummy (Lv 1) – Carpenter Lv 50, 3 Star crafting recipe
  • Glade Striking Dummy (Lv 50) – 180 Allied Seals – Adders Hunt Billmaster
  • Riviera Striking Dummy (Lv 50) – 180 Allied Seals – Maelstrom Hunt Billmaster
  • Oasis Striking Dummy (Lv 50) – 180 Allied Seals – Flames Hunt Billmaster
  • Alps Striking Dummy (Lv 50) – Carpenter Lv 50, 3 Star crafting recipe
  • Old World Striking Dummy (Lv 60) – 300 Centurio Seals – Ardolain (Forgotten Knight, Foundation)
  • Faust Striking Dummy (Lv 60) – Armorer Lv 60, 3 Star crafting recipe
  • Gyr Abanian Striking Dummy (Lv 70) – 5 Veteran’s Clan Mark Logs – Eschina (Rhalgr’s Reach)


Overworld Striking Dummies



Level 1 Striking Dummies (Locations)

There are a total of six level one striking dummies across four locations.

The Bannock, Central Shroud (X: 24.0, Y:19.50) and (X:23.4, Y: 20.5)

Bannock Central Shroud Training Dummies (Location 1) / FFXIV
Bannock Central Shroud Training Dummies (Location 2) / FFXIV

Summerford Farm, Middle La Noscea (X: 26.2, Y: 17.4)

Summerford Farm Training Dummies in Middle La Noscea / FFXIV

Scorpion Crossing, Western Thanalan (X: 26.3, Y: 24.7) and (X: 26.3, Y: 23.7)

Scorpion Crossing Training Dummies in Western Thanalan / FFXIV

Whitebrim Front, Coerthas Central Highlands (X: 13.1, Y: 17.1)


Level 50 Striking Dummies (Locations)

There are four level 50 striking dummies across four locations.

Whitebrim Front, Coerthas Central Highlands (X: 13.5, Y: 16.8)

Whitebrim Front Training Dummies in Coerthas Central Highlands / FFXIV

Falcon’s Nest, Coerthas Western Highlands (X: 31.5, Y: 38.7)

Falcon’s Nest Training Dummies in Coerthas Western Highlands / FFXIV

Tailfeather, Dravanian Forelands (X: 32.7, Y: 24.7)

Tailfeather Striking Dummies in Dravanian Forelands / FFXIV

The Collector’s Quarter, Dravanian Hinterlands (X: 22.8, Y: 16.7)

Collector’s Quarter Training Dummies in Dravanian Hinterlands / FFXIV

Level 60 Striking Dummies (Locations)

There are only three level 60 striking dummies to track down.

Castrum Oriens, The Fringes (X: 9.9, Y: 11.8)

Castrum Oriens Training Dummies in The Fringes / FFXIV

Namai, Yanxia (X: 31.0, Y: 16.5)

Namai Training Dummies in Yanxia / FFXIV

Reunion, The Azim Steppe (X: 34.0, Y: 27.0)

Reunion Training Dummies on The Azim Steppe / FFXIV

Level 70 Striking Dummies (Locations)

And finally, there’s just one collection of level 70 striking dummies in the overworld.

Porta Praetoria, The Lochs (X: 10.5, Y:20.5)

Porta Praetoria Training Dummies in The Lochs / FFXIV
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