TM097 Frost Breath in Pokémon Radical Red

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TM097 Frost Breath
Location Found in the postgame Sandshrew race area of Seafoam Islands (B2F)
Description The user blows cold air that always lands a critical hit. It can also freeze the enemy.
Type Ice

After defeating the Elite 4 and becoming the champion, you want to fly to the Cinnabar Island Pokémon Center to start your journey towards the Seafoam Islands.

From Cinnabar, start by going East.

Standing outside of the Cinnabar Island Pokémon Center. / Pokémon Radical Red
Standing outside of the Cinnabar Island Pokémon Center.

Use Surf to get on your Pokémon and continue heading East.

Using Surf and continuing East. / Pokémon Radical Red
Using Surf and continuing East.

As you’re going East, you’ll swim past an island to your South after entering Route 20, indicating that you’re on the right path.

Entering Route 20 and swimming past an island. / Pokémon Radical Red
Entering Route 20 and swimming past an island.

After a short while of surfing East, you’ll eventually land on the Seafoam Islands.

Enter the cave using the entrance North of where you land.

Landing on the Seafoam Islands and entering the cave. / Pokémon Radical Red
Landing on the Seafoam Islands and entering the cave.

Inside, you’ll see a ladder heading to a lower floor.

Going to a lower level of the cave by using the ladder to the West. / Pokémon Radical Red
Going to a lower level of the cave by using the ladder to the West.

After taking the ladder, you’ll see another ladder in the area you reach that will take you even further down.

Going even further down using another ladder. / Pokémon Radical Red
Going even further down using another ladder.

Here, the entrance to a secret area will have opened up to the South.

If it’s your first time here then you will first have to interact with the Sandshrew and win a race against it.

Being challenged to a race by a Sandshrew. / Pokémon Radical Red
Being challenged to a race by a Sandshrew.

After winning the race and entering the area again, you want to head South to follow the path you took when racing.

Entering the secret area and heading South. / Pokémon Radical Red
Entering the secret area and heading South.

When you reach the very South of the path, go East and then walk up to go to the spot where the Sandshrew began its race.

Taking the path East and then heading North. / Pokémon Radical Red
Taking the path East and then heading North.

Instead of seeing a Sandshrew, you’ll see the TM for Frost Breath at the very end of the path.

Finding the TM for Frost Breath at the end of the path. / Pokémon Radical Red
Finding the TM for Frost Breath at the end of the path.
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Hannan Mundia

If ‘Jack of all Trades’ was a person it would have to be Hannan. Whether it be games, anime, comics, or even K-Dramas, you name it and Hannan is already a die-hard fan of it. When he isn’t on his bed binging an anime or show then you can definitely find him on his chair either gaming or writing about games.