How To Get The Cow Teleport in OSRS

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The Cow Teleport animation can be obtained by redeeming the code “osrsrf2014” with Diango in Draynor Village. There are no requirements in order to activate it.

It’s worth noting that this is not members-only either, so even if you’re a free-to-play player, it’s free and really easy to get for you as well!


Getting To Diango

Draynor Village Location (Circled On Map) / OSRS

Diango is located in the Draynor Village market, and generally walks along the stalls.

I recommend teleporting with an Amulet of Glory, since the Draynor teleport will get you straight there.

But if that’s not an option for you, home teleport to Lumbridge (fitting!), and then run west until you reach Draynor.

Diango in Draynor Village / OSRS

Once you’re there, right click Diango and choose the “Redeem-code” option. You’ll be prompted to enter an activation code.

Type in osrsrf2014 and press enter to get your cow teleport.

This code stands for “OSRS RuneFest 2014”.

Entering the osrsrf2014 code in OSRS

That’s it!

Feel free to use your Home Teleport and check out the new animation as much as you’d like.

Switching Home Teleport Animations in the menu / OSRS

Also note that this change is permanent unless you decide to change it back.

To switch your Home Teleport animations, right click the spell icon that’s located above your inventory, and choose the “Animation” option.

A menu will pop up in your chat box, letting you pick between any of the animations you’ve unlocked, or go back to the standard one.


Browse: Video Games


Born in Argentina in '97, Been gaming since I was a kid, and met a lot of worlds I've grown to love. Big fan of JRPG's, Metroidvanias, and planning ahead. I'm a barefooter, a competitive Smash Bros player, and a bit too stubborn at times!